MySelf BookShelf

Along my way, I found that books hold all the knowledge. Knowledge is power. Here are some of the books Ive read.


I am not uploading table of contents for this, none the less, very interesting book, I took away with me a new perspective about life and about art and how the two go hand in hand.

The Secret

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Secret Revealed
Chapter 2: The Secret Made Easy
Chapter 3: How to use the Secret
Chapter 4: Powerful Process
Chapter 5: The Secret to Money
Chapter 6: The Secret to Relationships
Chapter 7: The Secret to Health
Chapter 8: The Secret to the World
Chapter 9: The Secret to You
Chapter 10: The Secret to Life

Self Empowerment and the Subconscious Mind

Table Of Contents:

Preface: Self-Empowerment-You Are the Captain of Your Own Ship
Introduction: Subconscious Knowledge-Power and Challenge
Chapter 1: The Personal, Cultural, and Collective Nature of the Subconscious
Chapter 2:The Subconscious: A Storehouse of Personal Experience From Preexistence to the Present
Chapter 3: The Subconscious: A Repository of Dynamic Processes, Functions, and Mechanisms
Chapter 4: Interfacing Consciousness with the Subconscious
Chapter 5: The Subconscious Mind: Your Resource for Problem Solving, Creativity, Mental and Physical Health, Rejuvenation, and Psychic Powers
Chapter 6 :The Therapeutic Power of Subconscious Knowledge
Chapter 7: Spiritual Relevance of the Subconscious: A Doorway to Spiritual Realities and Interaction with the Spirit Realm
Chapter 8: Dreams-Gateway to the Subconscious
Chapter 9: The Empowerment Rewards of Subconscious Knowledge
Chapter 10: The Super-Conscious Mind
Appendix: Self-Empowerment and Self-Hypnosis

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Birth of Brahman
Chapter 2: The Jiva's Journey
Chapter 3: Vessels to the Farther Shore

Table of Contents

Part One: The Heroic Journey: The Map
Introduction: Making a difference, the Heroic Journey
1. Choosing Freedom: The Guides
2. Surviving Difficulty: From the Innocent to the Orphan
3. Finding Yourself: The Wanderer
4. Proving Your Worth: The Warrior
5. Showing Generosity: The Altruist
6.Achieving Happiness: The Innocent Returns
7. Transforming Your Life: The Magician

Part Two: Personal Mastery: The Guidebook
Introduction: Personal Mastery: Inner Resource Development
8. Honoring Your Life: The Route
9. Troubleshooting When You Get Stuck or Lost: The Compass
10. Ethics of the Journey: The Code

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